Monday, November 16, 2009

5(FIVE) companies own all the media in the USA.


  1. Wow - powerful video. When I heard the bit about it not being illegal to falsify the news, I thought maybe I'd misunderstood. I did a quick google of the phrase "not against law to falsify news" and got 424,000 hits. One of these led to this story. I feel like I've fallen into the rabbit hole. If "news" organizations can lie without liability, how the hell are people supposed to know what's going on? Oh, I get it - we're not. We're just supposed to take our assigned places, drop our drawers and get fucked by the powers-that-be. Damn. Aren't you overjoyed that we live in the country that parades as the global exemplar of liberty, justice, democracy and applie pie? I think I'm going to be seriously ill.

  2. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad but, I've had that knot in my guts for a while now. It started back in August when I posted "Our Only Hope" I have charts that show how in 1983 the mass media belonged to 50 separate corporations an today only five! Somebody wants to control what we see and hear that's blatantly obvious.

  3. in 1983 the mass media belonged to 50 separate corporations

    As I've watched corporate mergers in the past couple of decades, I've kept asking, "What ever happened to anti-trust laws? How can all these mergers, which lead to less competition and monopolies, be good?" Given the current state of the American economy, I still have the same questions.

  4. Sometimes I think that there is no fix! revolution may be at hand; maybe not in our lifetimes but in our children's and that scares me. History is awash with examples of governments that got to big for the people to support and still eek out a living. They always rise up and destroy the oppressors and start over. It's most generally a bloody affair. The ironic part of it all is that they have managed to accustom our children to death and violence. Hunting down and killing politicians and billionaires will be like some big ol' video game to them.
